CHEN, Chang-Chih 陳長志
Simply the Speed 素度

Sphinx 人面獅身

Inward Listening 內視聆聽

The Sonic body 身音

Broken Sound

To Unite 匯百川

Breath 吐納
Media prosthesis has been inlaid to our corporal experiences. It is no longer a third person object; it has overstepped as a first person subject.
Take Chen’s “Simply the Speed” series for example. It extends the physiological time limitation of “persistence of vision” by means of photography, and as if opening our eyes, media prosthesis has enabled us to achieve the sensory experiences that human physiology cannot achieve. The objective body, though its shape blurred, the notion of “completeness” still helps us to recognize its stumps and fragments in the image.
The sensory experiences by means of media prosthesis have been internalized. It makes us realize that we are all wearing prostheses without sensing them.
媒體義肢已嵌合進我們的肉身經驗,它不是第三人稱的他者,它早已僭越為第一人稱。【素度】系列作品,透過攝影擴延「視覺暫留」的生理時限,仿佛開眼般,媒體義肢使我們達到非人類生理結構可及的感知經驗。對象身體雖因此離形而輪廓模糊,「完形」 的概念仍促使我們在畫面中辨識殘肢片體。